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Restaurants and cafes resume their usual services with restriction in their capacity

With the precaution of taking extreme hygienic-sanitary measures, complying with the protocols established in the current phase, and maintaining control of the COVID-19 epidemic, the gastronomy in Las Tunas guarantees the offers in the 57 restaurants and restarts the services in the 220 cafes with their usual hours.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Luis Manuel Páez, Gastronomy Director of the Business Group of Commerce, told 26Digital that in this first stage restaurants are opened to 40 percent of their installed capacity, keeping the space of one and a half meters between the tables, to achieve physical distancing.

"We will continue with the modalities of takeaway in all our units," said the manager. We want to extend to the population the possibility of acquiring our offers to consume with the family, but from the safety of their homes.

“The processing centers will continue to be immersed in the effort to guarantee products to be sold in cafes and restaurants. The making of croquettes, hamburgers, meat doughs and sausages highlights. To the extent that there is an increase in raw materials, production levels and variety will increase.”

"We want to preserve the positive experiences we had in the quarantine, especially with the production of syrup, now we aspire that all the processing centers in the province are able to guarantee this drink, as well as the jam with much acceptance by consumers."

Luis Manuel added, in addition, that the dispensed sale of Bucanero malt is suspended due to lack of raw material and the bottled Tínima will be directed towards vulnerable groups. Likewise, he pointed out that the dispensed sale of Cristal and Bucanero beer just to take away, at a prize of 40.00 pesos per liter, is increased.

During the three phases, the gastronomic units will maintain the premise that all workers will use the masks on a mandatory basis and will not attend any of the establishments in the event of respiratory symptoms. The disinfection of hands and surfaces at the entrance of each premise continues.