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Some 575 samples have been taken for PCR testing

From the local Health Command Post it was reported that so far the positive cases for COVID-19 in this province have evolved favorably, and also the people admitted to isolation centers.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Dr. Jesús Manuel León Silva, head of that department, said that a total of 85 suspects remain isolated; 30 in Los Cocos, 13 in the Family Club, 34 in Aguada de Vázquez, two in "Colombia", three in the Guillermo Domínguez hospital (Puerto Padre), two in the Dr. Ernesto Guevara hospital, and one in the Mártires de Las Tunas pediatric hospital.

On the other hand, 276 suspect contacts are isolated in facilities set up for that purpose. Of these, 87 at the Lenin campus of the University, 81 at Cerro de Caisimú, 12 at the Rita Longa pedagogical school, 17 at Manatí, 32 at Arroyón, “Jesús Menéndez;” 19 in Pérez, Majibacoa; and 28 in Anacaona, "Colombia."

León Silva said that 24 samples were sent to the Santiago de Cuba laboratory for PCR, totaling 575 made here. Meanwhile, 43 fast kit testing were also performed for a total of 1,858.

The 397,679 inquiries developed on the communities, contributed to detect 121 people with respiratory symptoms; 117 received assistance in the family doctor and nurse's office, and four were referred for admission to hospital centers.

COVID-19 in Las Tunas

The doctor insisted on the need not to deny respiratory manifestations and seek immediate assistance. There is an excess of tranquility in the population, he affirmed, demonstrated in the failure to comply with social distancing measures.

No one is exempt from contagion and among the latest reports of patients, there are asymptomatic, identified as part of a focus control around a suspicious patient. This, without a doubt, invites us to reflect on our attitudes and be aware that indiscipline can cost many lives.

He also asked for the understanding of the people from Las Tunas who are currently under surveillance in the different centers, and their relatives. Every day, several calls are received at the command post from people who raise disagreement, especially with the period of stay in those places.