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Transport stops passengers moving

The public service of state and private passenger transport in the capital of Las Tunas province was paralyzed since this Thursday to prevent the spread of COVID-19; the measure will be extended to the rest of the municipalities as of June 28, as Luis Enrique Arias Peña, director of the Provincial Passenger and General Cargo Transportation Company (CARDINAL) told the press.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The ban, he insisted, will also include cars, motorcycles, moto-taxis, and pedicabs. The transfer of people, he specified, will only continue to ensure the tasks of the economy and the containment of SARS CoV-2. "These measures are understood to the rest of the province since Monday, June 28," he announced. "We must adopt drastic measures," he sentenced.

Only in the last 48 hours, 153 new positives to COVID-19 were notified in the province, which literally destroyed all the maximum figures that the territory had registered so far for a day. The incidence rate of new positives per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 15 days rose to 97.6.
In the next few hours, said Arias Peña, contacts will be held with each of the carriers to explain the organizational details of the said step. Regarding private vehicles, the director of CARDINAL explained that they can only circulate between 6:00 in the morning and 6:00 in the afternoon. Motorcycles, he said, will not be able to carry passengers and cars, only four people counting the driver.

Arias Peñas insisted that the emergency medical service will continue its operations and that the command post in the Company continues activated to support the requests for transfers of people whose urgent situation warrants it.

Since this week, more severe restrictions are also in force for the circulation of state vehicles that must carry a new sticker according to the relevance of the work they carry out.