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Three local transmission events of the COVID-19 are active in the province

In the coming days, the severity of the isolation of homes and neighborhoods in which outbreaks or local transmission events of the new coronavirus are established will increase in Las Tunas. Where necessary, there will be a strict quarantine, as it was told on Sunday, during the meeting of the Temporary Task Force for the Control and Prevention of COVID-19.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The management body agreed with the opening, in the next few days, of at least five more local transmission events in the municipality of Las Tunas, one in the municipality of Majibacoa, and others two in Puerto Padre. Regardless of their approval or not by the Ministry of Public Health, the health authorities in the province will face them as such.

Three local transmission events are active in the province on Carlos Sosa Ballester and Estrada Palma streets (health area of the Guillermo Tejas polyclinic); as well as the existing one in the Clodomira Acosta Ferrals psychiatric hospital. From Tuesday, movement restrictions will be established for residents on Simón Bolívar streets (from “José Aguirre” to 49); on Calle 7 (from Calle 6 to Flor Crombet); and on the "Ramón Mendoza," from its intersection with the "Eligio Fonseca" to the end of the street. The same will be done with those who live in the apartments in steps F, D, and B of the multi-family building 13; all belonging to the health area of the Aquiles Espinosa polyclinic. The same will happen with the residents in the 12 floors building, located within the Manuel (Piti) Fajardo Polyclinic health area.

In each of these events, the provincial deputy director of Hygiene Epidemiology and Microbiology, Dr. Aldo Cortés said, the universe of people to be studied and the contacts and risk groups must be rigorously defined. Likewise, it will be essential to delimit the area of surveillance and restriction of movement with rationality and rigor. Besides, he expressed, it will be necessary to “take extreme hygiene and biosafety measures, a specialized daily inquiry; and guarantee the logistics and economy by the working groups of the Provincial Government and municipal temporary groups.”

For these steps to be carried out efficiently, Manuel René Pérez Gallego, first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) in the province, said it will be crucial "to guarantee the attention and satisfaction of the basic needs of the population in restricted areas, differentiated according to risk and vulnerability." In this sense, the Temporary Group gave instructions for active participation of the PCC militancy and the Young Communist League (UJC), together with the presidents of the popular councils and the mass organizations, not only in the inquiries, but also in the accompaniment of the family doctor, in messaging, and other community actions.

For their part, the forces of the Ministry of the Interior will continue to be in charge of maintaining order and discipline in compliance with the indications concerning the limitation of movement where the provisions are more severe.

When August begins, in Las Tunas, more than eight thousand positive cases for SARS-CoV-2 have accumulated since the beginning of the pandemic, of which 95.5 percent are autochthonous. Only in the last 15 days, more than three thousand autochthonous cases were notified, with which the incidence rate of the disease here is 695.9 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

Last Saturday, 234 confirmed patients were admitted to health centers and another 71 remained at home, for a total of 818 confirmed active patients in health institutions and 841 in their own houses. Additionally, 274 controls of active outbreaks were maintained.

COVID-19 in Las Tunas