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5th Agrociencias 2023 International Congress of Agricultural Sciences

The Plaza America Convention Center in Varadero will host, from June 5 to 9, the 5th International Congress of Agricultural Sciences (Agrociencias 2023).

Matanzas, Cuba.- The event, organized by the Fructuoso Rodriguez Agrarian University of Havana, under the precept of The University and Innovation for Sustainable Development, will be held in a hybrid format that will include workshops, and business rounds, among other collateral activities.

Maydolis Cabrera, head of the Communication Department of the university, explained to Prensa Latina that the event will be distinguished by keynote lectures by national and international experts, as well as virtual posters and scientific and commercial exhibitions.

According to the official program of Agrociencias 2023, the main objective of the event is to generate knowledge and exchange experiences that promote integration between the different areas of knowledge related to education, economics and business, and social and physical culture sciences.

Another purpose of the event is to highlight the contribution of universities in the field of innovation with a view to the defense and fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, the document adds.

The 5th International Congress of Agricultural Sciences will be an opportunity to bring together specialists from various nations of the world to fight from the sciences to achieve sustainable development for the welfare of nature and humanity. (PL)