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25th Anniversary Conference of the Cuban Network of People with HIV/AIDS

The 25th Anniversary Conference of the Cuban Network of People with HIV/AIDS will be held in Cuba to exchange experiences among the various stockholders involved in the response to this disease.

Havana, Cuba.- The event, scheduled from June 19 to 25, will be sponsored by the National HIV Program of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) on the occasion of another year of RedCuba.

The meeting, which will focus this time on microbiology and communicable diseases, will have an international scope, both on-site and virtual.

AIDS-related mortality is progressively decreasing and the incidence of the disease shows a tendency to stabilize in Cuba.

Among the actions taken to control the disease are the implementation of a prevention, diagnosis, and antiretroviral treatment program, as part of which around two million serological tests are done every year.

Cuba also shows encouraging results in the fight against HIV/AIDS, based on the implementation of new laboratories and the guarantee of treatment for all patients with this disease. (PL)