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The 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) sessions from April 16 to 19

April 19 always dawns with Cuba celebrating the triumph of a heroic country. On this day, David defeated Goliath on the sands of Playa Giron, and 60 years later, the same indomitable people that shed their blood in the Cienaga for the Revolution, adds today, in honor of the date, another legendary victory.

With today’s closing of the 8th Party Congress, Cuba offers new lessons. Just as the artillery-armed mercenaries invading along the Bay of Pigs were sent into disarray, our ideas and arguments now frighten the lackeys: unity, resistance, continuity, that great word that the empire does not understand, and that today, once again, is materialized in the orderly transfer of the nation’s leadership to younger generations.

There is but one commitment: to defend the Revolution and to continue, at an accelerated pace, the construction of socialism which demands a great deal. We did not inherit a complete work, but a perfectible project that we are honored to continue.

The 8th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) sessions from April 16 to 19

The way forward, clearly stated in the Central Report presented by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, was discussed and approved yesterday by delegates in a resolution which describes the document as "an expression of the historic generation’s legacy, and a guide for the future work of the party organization and other actors within society."

In the plenary session, delegates also ratified resolutions referring to the updating of the Conceptualization of the Economic and Social Model; the status of implementation of Policy Guidelines; the fulfillment of objectives established during the First Conference, regarding the Party’s functioning, ideological activity, and ties with the population; and the Cadre Policy Assessment.

After its presentation and study, the candidature for members of the Central Committee was submitted to a vote, with results to be announced today.

The first plenary session of the newly elected Central Committee will be held today, Monday. (Granma)

After its presentation and study, the candidature for members of the Central Committee was submitted to a vote

After its presentation and study, the candidature for members of the Central Committee was submitted to a vote