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Ink-scented fingerprints: new summer section

Whenever I talk about the traces left in my memory by artists from this city, I remember that afternoon in Cienfuegos, in the middle of an event organized by Reina del Mar Editores, when I met a select group of young poets from Tunisia. Their leader was referring, with admiration, to the writer I bring you today: Dayislenis Velázquez Zamora.

Writer Dayislenis VelázquezShe is a young author, as yet unpublished, but a sure bet for the future of literature. I read her first text in the anthology Pequod, co-published by Reina del Mar and Cartonera Callejas, in 2022. Then in the Alta Literatura blog and, more recently, in a poetry Solo (Sanlope publishing house, 2023), with a selection of female poets from Las Tunas. She is one of those who should be more discovered and published by publishers.

Her depth of analysis impresses; she goes straight to an idea and develops it through layers and layers of reading levels. The metaphors and images are not straightforward, let alone simple. He has a maturity unbecoming of his age. He writes narrative, rhymed poetry, and free verse. However, it is in the sonnet and the décima where, in my opinion, he stands out above the vast majority of poets under 40 years of age on the island. For Jorge García Prieto (Cucalambé Prize 2023), she is the best young sonneteer in Cuba. We were both in Cienfuegos when we heard her read and were impressed.

It is clear that she has drawn from the best poets of our country, but she has created her style, well-differentiated and distinguishable. The psychology and the exhaustive analysis of the facts through a lyrical subject well involved in the idea or actions developed in the poem are strong points behind the verses, balanced in terms of strength, rhythm, and structure.

Her poetry works like a Chinese box, where there is a poem inside another, and inside another, until it reaches the poem inside her and the one she leaves in each of us, her readers.