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Workshops promote professional improvement in Radio Victoria

The 70th anniversary of the provincial radio station Radio Victoria, as well as being accompanied by cultural celebrations, comes with workshops and training for its staff, both in the news and dramatized programs.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- A discussion with César Hidalgo Torres, a prominent radio broadcaster from Holguín province, provided an insight into the world of scriptwriters, the ways to reach audiences, and the best way to convey a message without making excessive use of the benefits of sound.

"When we are going to make a script, we must take into account the articulated word with all the theoretical elements explained by the country's leading announcers, followed by the music, which is capable of expressing what the voices do not say, and we conclude with the sounds recorded or created in the studio; and it is these that complement the radio language."

Prominent radio broadcaster César Hidalgo
Prominent radio broadcaster César Hidalgo Torres.

Several pieces of advice came from César's voice to the announcers; they are the ones responsible at all times for communicating in the most accurate way everything that was written. "It doesn't matter if they had a good day or if they are happy, the audience is not responsible for that; we owe it to the audience and therefore they deserve quality work.

He also advised directors, of techniques to highlight the work of the scriptwriter, so that the script is fulfilled to the letter but in a melodious way and with total harmony.

He also referred to the need to improve the quality of the programs that are made, "because without realizing it, a good program ends up in a competition and we earn the respect of everyone, including the jury". He referred to the importance of "changing everything that needs to be changed" in the studios, in programming.

"And I say this to program directors because I feel that a good director is capable of looking for a problem because he feels that times have changed, but at the same time he must be aware that the radio technique and how some things are conceived must always be respected."


Radio in Cuba is undoubtedly one of the spaces that has most marked the economic, political, and cultural development of the nation. Even with the arrival of new technologies, and mobile telephony, people still feel the need to stick to this "device" that brings so much joy.

To talk about the use of mobile phones and a better way of using them in the radio space, journalists Miguel Díaz Nápoles, from Radio Victoria, and Istvan Ojeda Bello, from Newspaper 26, came together to create a casual pairing that touched on key points in terms of how to do mobile journalism.

Workshops promote professional improvement in Radio Victoria

"Mobile journalism is not a novelty in the world, on the contrary, it has been implemented for several years, and in our country, it is arriving gradually; this means that we are already entering into more street journalism, which is very distant from the citizen."

"We are entering a world that allows us to have the scoop in our hands, that allows us to reach our broadcast booths without the need to move from one place to another," said Díaz Nápoles, based on his experiences in international channels and within the country itself.
The possession of a mobile phone makes life more viable for those who work in the media because these devices have recorders, cameras, and editors that allow quality work to be done promptly."

Ojeda Bello, on the other hand, added to the debate the importance of promoting Hypermedia Journalism, that which we do for our web pages day by day, which requires all the resources that allow us to reach internet users more easily, who sometimes do not have the time to read a great work but have an audio or video fragment to complement the information that is provided.

He referred to the need to promote podcasts in the provincial radio station itself because it is a resource that is widely used around the world and makes it easier for people to surf the internet with these spaces that are so popular, without using large radio sets.

These workshops were held to have more prepared professionals within the radio medium and in the recording studios, where higher quality products can be created for listeners.