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Teatro Tuyo troupe

The title of these lines seems, at first glance, a sovereign nonsense. But anyone who knows the telluric daily work of Teatro Tuyo surely understands that it is too complicated to ask them to stay home in the middle of a health pandemic and not turn that into pure wonder.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Now they have invented a word for us on the networks: laugh resistance. And with it, they call us from laughs and reflection to stay at home, resisting the storm and they reach us like clowns to the houses, the same from computer screens, tablets, than cell phones.

Ernesto Parra Borroto, the director of the company that celebrates in 2020 its 21 years of sustained work, most of them in defense of the art of clowning, shared impressions on this subject with 26 Digital. It is clear, always through the phone, because the views and hugs also to us are for later.

It is an idea of the team of Teatro Tuyo in these times of prevention, in which we have to be sheltered at home. It is the way to maintain that vital, indispensable contact with our audience. Every day we are publishing fragments of our plays, articles and images of the future projects that are already with us, in which we are starting the work to carry it out when everything returns to normal.

The reception of the public has been fabulous. We know that many people access through their mobile data or a Wifi network and it has a cost to their economy. Nevertheless, they download the videos, which are only a minute long, and they give us many criteria in the publications.

The exchange has enriched us a lot. Sometimes we think that the formulas, the ways, turn out to be the already established ones, but situations like these demand your ingenuity to continue with the same purpose, which is to be close to the public.

The leader of Teatro Tuyo took advantage of the opportunity to send a special greeting for World Theatre Day, recently celebrated without an audience or performances, due to the pandemic, on March 27.

A big hug to our colleagues. Above all, may this symbolic embrace reach the audience that has been accompanying Teatro Tuyo uninterruptedly for 21 years and is the one that gives meaning to what we do.

We all celebrate it from home. A warm embrace in these times when discipline and health control are fundamental to win this battle and then celebrate life and the day of being happy and useful to society.