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 26 de Julio National Contest

The shocking chronicle, "Buena suerte, Ricardo" (Good luck, Ricardo), written from the sensitivity and empathy of the gaze of Zucel de la Peña Mora, deserved the Prize of that genre in the Written Press category of the 26 de Julio National Journalism Contest 2021, as announced by the Jury of the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC) this Tuesday through videoconference.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- With the certainty that society is full of "Ricardos", who need to be seen and demand a little of the time that others are elusive; this is the chronicle of our daily life, of debts with the grandparents; but it is also like a light to show that not even the vicissitudes of life or the justifying rush can allow us to forget the other.

Journalists from Las Tunas also won three mentions in different categories of the contest. It stands out that two of them were also published by this media.

The report published in Periódico 26, Ordenamiento, salarios, incentivos… y las expectativas pendientes de los carboneros (Ordering, salaries, incentives ... and the pending expectations of the charcoal makers), by Yaidel Rodríguez Castro, from Radio Cabaniguán, obtained a Mention in the Written Press category. This is a material that addresses, in-depth, some irregularities in the payment of charcoal workers in the municipality of Jobabo.

De puños, rostros y voces encendidas (About fists, faces, and fiery voices) was the report presented by colleague Misleydis González Ávila in the category of Written Press, which deserved a Mention in the Women's Editorial Special Prize. It is an accurate work, which visualizes with forceful elements the violence against women; the authorship is shared with Yuset Puig Pupo and Luz Marina Reyes Caballero.

On Television, the documentary Raíz (Root) won a Mention, dedicated to the Miranda family and directed by Gianny López Brito, from TunasVisión, and current correspondent for Cuban Television in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

A total of 20 colleagues from Las Tunas submitted their samples to the demanding national competition.