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Educational institutions in Mnatí are repa

The educational sector is one of the many that are benefiting the municipality of Manatí with the constructive works that are being carried out in salute to the Revolutionary Triumph.

The Center for Diagnosis and Orientation (CDO) can be visited by any member of the community who needs it, there you can find trained personnel to provide support to families and especially to children who need specialized help in learning.

"Ana Ivis Rodríguez Milanés, director of the CDOWe are prepared to guide teachers and families so that they know how to treat those students who need special attention, and one of the greatest advantages we have today is the privacy that the center has from this constructive work," Ana Ivis Rodríguez Milanés, director of the CDO, told 26.

"What rejoices us the most is to know that the center has a great impact on the population, they already know that it exists, and who are the specialists they can find, ranging from psychologists, and speech therapists, to social workers willing to support the universe of 362 students who come directly in search of specialized treatments."

One of the major works currently being carried out in the municipality is the repairs to the Victuro Acosta López elementary school, the Tiernas Margaritas childcare house, and the completion of the second childcare center in the town.

Ariel Escalona Álvarez, Director of Education Ariel Escalona Álvarez, Director of Education in that municipality, describes that "the school has an enrollment of approximately 125 students and four classrooms. We are in an institution that was made when the Battle of Ideas and since those years it had never had a repair as at this moment, with a budget of three million pesos for everything that is done that is related to the perimeter fence, the transformation of the classrooms, the exteriors, the square...

"In this own institution is already created a pantry and a dining room of the Koika project, which consists of a Korean collaboration that evaluates the maintenance of a snack for the students. For this, we must have the support of the institutions of Agriculture, cooperatives that are also part of this initiative, with which contracts have been made to obtain food, vegetables, and fruits, which should cover the food of the enrollment."

At first, the supply should come with oil, sugar, and resources for the snack. This step of cooperation is something that will most benefit students who live far from the educational institution and who find it difficult to reach their homes.

Within this center, there is a classroom annexed to the Botoncitos de Rosa childcare center, which has an enrollment of 209 children. In the case of this little house, there are 16 infants whose mothers work in the Education sector and another five whose mothers work in organizations with complicated work schedules, such as the Popular Saving Bank y CADECA

Dunia Moreno Arias, head of the Department of Early Childhood Dunia Moreno Arias, head of the Department of Early Childhood in the municipality, explains that "today they have a total of 117 applications pending to access the childcare center, of them we will respond to 72 which is the approved enrollment for the new childcare center, which is called Sueños Infantiles (Children's Dreams).

"In a first moment, four classrooms will be opened, one for the second year of life with an enrollment of 22 children, the fourth year for 15 infants, and a parallel one with the same number of children, plus a fifth year for 20 enrolled children. This opening gives the possibility to help 72 working mothers who applied and are waiting for an answer."

For the time being, 19 teachers and 14 educators, six specialists, a nurse, a director, a deputy director, and the administrator, plus the service personnel will work there.