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Educate Your Child Program in Las Tunas

The Educa a tu Hijo Program (Educate your Child), attached to the Ministry of Education, offers attention, in Las Tunas, to nearly 20 thousand preschool children and their families.

Las Tunas, Cuba: More than 7,700 children living in rural and mountainous areas acquire knowledge through this program, the purpose of which is to prepare and guide parents so that they can educate their children and stimulate their integral development in their homes, based on their experiences and knowledge.

Yoandra Rondón, provincial methodologist of this initiative, said that this year they began with the generalization of the process in each of the People's Councils and municipalities and continue with the work in search of greater progress and to achieve the satisfaction of the participants.

This activity is promoted by close to 200 promoters in charge of direct attention in different community sites, whether they are parks, homes, or workplaces.

Manuela Socarrás Polo, a resident of the provincial capital and owner of a house where these activities take place, told the local television station how happy she is to welcome mothers, fathers, and their children to her home.

Known as Vías no Formales (Non-Institutional Care), this modality of educational attention stands out for its intersectionality, since different organizations and institutions such as Public Health, Culture, Inder, and the Federation of Cuban Women join this activity whose best achievements stand out here in the municipalities of Puerto Padre, Manatí, Amancio and Jobabo.

With 31 years since its inception, and an authentically Cuban seal of direct attention, especially to the family and to children during early childhood, the Educate Your Child program is an experience that reaps results in other latitudes of the world and that in Cuba is a prelude to Primary Education.