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The vacation plan will begin next July 18

Working mothers of the province have the option of leaving their primary school children under educational care during the months of July and August.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The strategy foresees recreational, sports, library and computer activities, plus visits to historical and cultural sites, without losing sight of the hygienic measures imposed by the current epidemiological situation.

As explained to 26Digital Maribel Reyes Hidalgo, head of that level of teaching at the Provincial Directorate of Education, although the course has not yet resumed "all mothers who are currently fulfilling work functions and do not have another person to take care of the minors will have the support of the educational system.”

Of the 23 semi-boarding schools distributed in the territory, 11 were chosen to carry out this work and already receive children. In the main city, the designated schools are “Boris Luis Santa Coloma,” “Toma de Las Tunas” and “Rafael Martínez;” in Puerto Padre, the "Camilo Cienfuegos" in the municipal seat and the "Guillermo Domínguez", in the community of Delicias; in "Amancio", the "Abel Santamaría"; the "José Martí" in “Colombia”; in "Jesús Menéndez," the "Frank País"; in Jobabo, the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes"; in Manatí, the “Grandes Alamedas,” and in Majibacoa the “Combate de Arroyo El Muerto.”

At this stage, teachers also carry out other tasks such as self-preparation, care and maintenance of schools and visits to their students, with the purpose of exchanging the content transmitted in the tele classes. These interviews will serve as a diagnosis for class planning and systematizations, once classes are resumed.

On July 18 next, the date from which the teachers will enjoy their rest month, a second stage will begin in which the provision of the service will be maintained in the same schools, but in the form of a vacation plan, with a staff chosen for it and the collection of a fee that varies according to the number of children in the same family.

This alternative can also be accessed by working mothers whose children are enrolled in primary school, but are not enrolled in a semi-boarding school. To do this, they can apply at one of the mentioned centers, according to their place of residence, and present a letter from the Human Resources Department of their workplace, certifying that they work there.

Reyes Hidalgo stated that the pioneers will have adequate food ensured throughout the day, activities that promote crowding will not be carried out, and established sanitary protocols will be maintained, such as frequent hand-washing, the use of the facemask and the feet bath at facilities entrance. Other centers will open their doors during the summer with activities in their computer rooms and sports areas.