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 Early childhood education program

The Educa a Tu Hijo (Educate Your Child Program) works today without abandoning the purpose of achieving the comprehensive development of children, although it does adjust to the situation Current epidemiological hygienic.

This attention is achieved from an educational teaching coverage of about 150 promoters, distributed throughout the province and those who, on the occasion of the 30 years of work of this non-institutional model for early childhood care that benefits more than 23,000 children in Las Tunas, seek to create more awareness regarding the work of the family as a cardinal axis in the development and education of the infants.

Just in greeting to the anniversary of this training program, a commemorative act was held in the municipality of Jobabo that acknowledged the work of the “Educate your Child,” an area thanks to which the Educational System of the province also stands out in the country.

Yanara Campaña Mariné, responsible for Early Childhood Education in the Provincial Directorate of the sector, pointed out that due to the incidence of the COVID-19, the offices in the popular councils work only in those places where conditions allow it; meanwhile, where today it is not possible to attend in person, they maintain contact with families through other channels such as WhatsApp.

"This alternative has been very useful, she said, considering the limitations that the pandemic has imposed on the entire society and, specifically, on the work in this educational modality.”

The official highlighted that, in the act for the founding anniversary, they recognized promoters from all the territories with a commendable work and members of the coordinating groups at the local and provincial level; who, among other functions, add volunteers to the activity chosen among federated women, housewives, or retirees.

They also recognized the results of the municipalities of Manatí, “Amancio,” Puerto Padre, “Jesús Menéndez,” and the venue of the celebration.

The three decades of effort outline new work paths in the current calendar, among which stand out guaranteeing care for all children and, mainly, girls and boys with special educational needs and families in vulnerable situations, besides the improvement of the pedagogical groups.

Emerged in 1982 for rural and mountainous areas, the Educate Your Child Program was extended to the entire Cuban nation 10 years later; and today continues to bet on the essential union of the family, the community, and the school institution with an intersectoral approach.