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Recognition to health personnel on the Latin American Medicine Day

On the Day of Latin American Medicine and Health Workers, several professionals in the sector in Las Tunas deserved the Manuel (Piti) Fajardo and Hazaña Laboral (Work Feat) medals. The first is granted to those who have worked for more than 25 years, and the second is endorsed by exceptional performance, on this occasion, related to the fight against COVID-19.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Besides, the municipalities, institutions, and health areas with the best results were recognized. Likewise, the University of Medical Sciences received the Centro Martiano Condition.

Celebration of the Latin American Medicine Day

This date celebrates the birth of the Cuban doctor and researcher Carlos J. Finlay, considered the country's greatest scientist of all times, the discoverer of the transmitting agent of yellow fever. As José Ángel Portal Miranda, the Minister of Health, said with the work of Fínlay "the transcendental role of Cuba in Latin American and world medicine began, which continues to this day."

Recognition to health personnel on the Latin American Medicine Day

Recognition to health personnel on the Latin American Medicine Day

Recognition to health personnel on the Latin American Medicine Day

Recognition to health personnel on the Latin American Medicine Day

Recognition to health personnel on the Latin American Medicine Day

Recognition to heaalth personnel on the Latin American Medicine Day