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Melton Almaguer Psycho-Pedagogical Medical Center, in Puerto Padre

At the Melton Almaguer Psycho-pedagogical Medical Center, in Puerto Padre, one breathes tranquility. Those who work there radiate dedication in their daily work and, largely, affection; although the location on the outskirts of the city condemns the health institution to the shadows of invisibility.

Puerto Padre, Las Tunas.- Waiting for a constructive intervention, with the danger reflected in the deterioration of the building, 15 patients are still hospitalized, while their families have sheltered nine others until the arrival of solutions. However, how long will the refurbishment be delayed? Every day lost feeds the transformation of these ailments into serious problems for the near future.

Although the special characteristics of those admitted demand a certain degree of priority on the part of the authorities of the territory, the deficiencies are widespread. Only the efforts of workers and donations from some organizations are enough to placate the needs.
Enough? No, of course not, the task calls for the interweaving of all social and economic factors, so that the focus is on improving the quality of life of the disabled. The cooperation of local producers provides a civic duty; however, establishing a continuity of facts permeates moral convictions. It is urgent to break the bubble where these people exist and bring them closer to community activities.

The food situation is distressing, with the justifications for the national crisis acting as a shield for helplessness. The low weight of the diets, plus the decrease in the perceptibility of fullness due to psychic ailments, accentuates the appetite. In the same way, the shortage of food confronts the nutritional regimen of those who turn to mashed food, so it is up to the cooks to work the miracle.

Likewise, the abandonment of the family members leaves sadness on their faces. According to specialists, the exchange with their loved ones makes possible the appropriate behavior, besides renewing emotions. In many cases, when medications are unable to fill the gaps, a few minutes of parental affection are enough to fill them.

Maintaining the hygiene of the garments and sheets relies on the firmness of the caretaker's fists, since the "sutures" of the Russian washing machine, which have been in use for a long time, show the last days of the appliance. The inconvenience is recurring, after repairs that guarantee a usefulness of a few months, hence the rush to replace the equipment. Like so many others, a demand with no tangible response and little room for hope.

The calm of the place invokes the maelstrom of good administrative attention. The human debts are palpable, therefore, let these lines serve as a call for empathy, sensitivity, and responsibility of those involved. All hands willing to contribute are welcome.