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To prevent diseases caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito is also a priority

In the Health area belonging to the Gustavo Aldereguía Lima polyclinic, the proliferation of arboviruses is faced; where in recent weeks, its workers have also been dealing with a family focus of the COVID-19. 

Las Tunas, Cuba.- "We have a strategy to prevent diseases caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, due to the increase in positive cases in the months of July and August," commented Dr. Eriberto Rojas Campo, Vice Director of Hygiene and Epidemiology at the "Gustavo Aldereguía.”

With the arrival of the ninth cycle, he said, the plan is aimed at the risk areas around six districts, those with a greater number of foci and positivity in the distribution.

"The Health area of this polyclinic covers an approximate population of 45,612 inhabitants, distributed in 30 districts in the popular councils 3, 5 and 18. In addition, it is in charge of 41 family doctor offices for a total of 835 workers.

Rojas Campo added that among the measures adopted by the institution is the admission of patients with symptoms, who in case of fever are taken to an isolation center. If they have more symptoms, he said, they are taken to the Dr. Ernesto Guevara General Teaching Hospital, to perform the active IGM or blood test, and thus determine the stage of the disease.

Yudenia Almenares Solano, a biologist from the Department of Vector Control and Surveillance, warned that the deposits of low tanks inside the houses have mainly favored the focal point (of the Aedes aegypti mosquito); so she insisted that residents "must perform their family auto focal every seven days, brushing the water reservoirs from top to bottom."

Almenares Solano called attention to the need to maintain the cleanliness of patios, latrines, or septic tanks. Although the basic Health team is instructed to monitor each block and its surrounding areas, she concluded that the collaboration of community organizations is required, such as the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) and the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC).