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The CREE  has modern technology in good general condition

The workers at the Center for the Reproduction of Entomophagous and Entomopathogens (CREE) of the Barranca community, belonging to the Agricultural Company (EA) of the municipality of Las Tunas will be able to make a notable contribution to food production this year.

Yurixánder Escalona OsorioThis will be possible after the internal reorganization of the workforce to reverse a stage marked by scarce deliveries of the different lines of biological products, as Yurixánder Escalona Osorio, director-general of the EA, explained to 26.

"At the end of the month of November, the panorama was different, compared to the previous months, when they barely reached 200 kilograms of Trichoderma. Then, more than 500 were made and that is very important because it is an antagonistic fungus that is used to treat the soil and avoid other fungi on plants."

He added that this substance is very beneficial for beans, tomato, and pepper crops, among other plant species, so the intention is to increase production levels up to one ton per month, taking into account that the US blockade against Cuba has prevented the import of chemical fertilizers.

It is also intended to reach at least four production lines, especially Trichogramma, a beneficial insect with proven effectiveness in controlling pests of other harmful insects, such as cassava spring, cabbage moth, corn moth, and the worm of melons, pumpkins and cucumbers.

The CREE  has modern technology in good general conditionEscalona Osorio pointed out that the CREE of this entity has modern technology in good general condition, with autoclaves, ovens, and other electrical equipment; as well as trays, shelves, containers and the ventilation system.

Currently, the insufficiency of fertilizers, nutrients and pesticides limits the potential of the province of Las Tunas to produce the food demanded by the people; so, these products, to which biological means such as repellent plants, polyculture, efficient microorganisms and capture traps are added, will have more value.