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Honey products will be sell in a specialized shop

Located at El Tunero agricultural market, in Las Tunas capital city, the cozy shop selling honey products will soon be opened.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- At the establishment, “we will have the possibility of having approximately 43 products between mixtures and honey of different formats and with varied weights, from 19 to 25 thousand grams. To this, nutritional supplements are added, all in natural forms and in combinations with other products from the hive, which depending on the compositions is their action on the body,” Waldo Torres Stoll, director of the provincial beekeeping unit, informed 26 exclusively.

Among the main products that will be sold there, in addition to honey, are dehydrated pollen, propolis tinctures, and other assortments that have energizing, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal, healing, and bactericidal qualities that contribute to human health. "They are high-quality goods and proven safety, while they are displayed in containers with excellent presentation," the manager explained.

As a distinctive sign, Torres Stoll pointed out, "royal jelly with pollen will be sold, which is a mixture that has never been made and is already being manufactured due to its remarkable acceptance."

This business entity, with good production results, bought a line of inflated plastic in different formats, which will serve as packaging for sale.

“We propose a finished product that is what our company wants to prioritize for the customer, essential to diversify the assortments and go from providing raw materials to delivering a finished product with high added value, and guaranteed by the highest standards Cuban and international quality standards so that they are competitive in the market.”

Torres Stoll reported that while details are being finalized for the opening of the store, they have been working for some time in the training of staff, with the aim that they contribute with their work to raise the nutritional education of customers and that they can explain them the goodies and benefits of each of the offerings.

Beekeepers from Las Tunas set a historical production record during a quarter when collected more than 181 tons of honey. From January to March of the current year, they also exceeded the obtaining of wax with 2,953 kilograms, and that of propolis, amounting to 333; results that broadly support the diversification of productions.