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Las Tunas Gastronomy units will extend take-out and home delivery services

Despite the epidemiological situation that unfavorably marked Las Tunas panorama in the previous calendar and had its impact on all economic and social spheres, the gastronomic services have continued to advance in pursuit of improvement, and projections for 2022 are outlined towards growth and business efficiency.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Dalgis Inés Pupo Hernández, provincial director of Gastronomy, assured the 26 Newspaper that among the most immediate goals is to continue adding the units to the process of improvement with the substantial changes that this entails and endorsed by Decree 28.

"We intend to add 46 establishments to the new management models, in such a way that we would seal the sector with 75 basic business units (UEB, by its acronym in Spanish), and the precepts of raising efficiency, competitiveness and, above all, providing quality services to the population of Las Tunas", Dalgis emphasized.

"The improvement of the 10 processing centers in the province by Decree 34 also begins. These units will be endorsed by the National Management Center and their administrators will become UEB directors with all the powers conferred by the change.

"In this way, they will be able to increase their production lines through contracts with new suppliers. The self-management conferred to them will allow them to use one hundred percent of their installed capacity to produce greater quantities of food, which they will be able to market not only in their usual networks but also with trade units such as warehouses and ideal markets."

Among the short-term goals, the directive stated the intention to extend take-out and home delivery services, to materialize the gears that ensure transportation, as well as to increase the number of requests through the restaurants' telephone channels.

There are still 148 units of the branch in Las Tunas to be categorized and it is the will of the relevant authorities to achieve them during the first quarter of the year, an indispensable requirement in the current horizons of business improvement.