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Fidel Castro Ruz

This has been an especially tough leap year, Fidel. We have had notable losses, pandemics, shortages, a blockade with many twists of the screw, seeking suffocation, debts; but, despite the apostates and so much bad behavior, here we are. It is August again and it is impossible not to remember that on the 13th you would be turning 94.

Did you blow out candles, Fidel? I like to think so. That you spent some time of that day hugging your loved ones, taking a placid nap or enjoying small things in the meek corner. I hope that this August will give you a day full of light, because I know, you are among us; it is impossible that you have left; you gave so much for everyone.

We follow the path and it is, as you once told us, very difficult. We miss the serenity that your mere physical presence transmitted, that force-calm that came to us from your correct word; your vision, capable of scrutinizing times to come and making us feel that winning is possible.

Today you are a man of all times, essentially, because you knew how to understand yours; the exact moment in which you had to live, defend, build, alert and even, why not, make a mistake. And that, to teach us the enormous value of not letting ourselves be overcome, of the necessary return to the essences on the path of life. Thank you.

We are determined to keep moving forward. We do not get tired. And we work for a more diverse economy, for health and education also in other regions of the world; for culture, sports, smile, hope, and sunrise. It's hard without you. But it's August, we love you like the first day, we know that you that you are part of our lives. Here we are.