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Store of construction materials

The main construction materials store in Jobabo has seen a drastic reduction in revenue collection since the implementation last year of the sale only by magnetic cards in this network.

Store of construction materialsJobabo, Las Tunas.- This not only has to do with the unstable supply of high-demand products, but also with the inconsistencies generated by this form of payment.

According to data provided by the entity's administration, before resorting to the POS, more than 30 clients were served daily, some of them in search of low-cost and occasional assortments. Then, most of those interested get in; see that they cannot buy in cash, and leave.

The other dilemma comes from the constant interruptions in the connection: up to three consecutive days have passed without being able to carry out an operation, something that goes against the profits and the salary of the workers of the establishment.

Many users come out very upset, completely discontented, says one of the shop assistants. The problem is that many people do not have a card and to buy a cheap item, i.e. 30.00 or 40.00 pesos, they will not go to the bank to request it and wait more than a week, because after that time, sometimes, the resource is no longer there.

In my inquiries, I verified that the buyers are leaving angry, because coincidentally before arriving at the site I was able to witness two people grumbling at the top of their voices for not being able to purchase something that cost less than 10.00 pesos.

Assistant of construction materias storeThe problem does not lie only in the exclusive electronic channel, but rather in the unstable data connection and an outdated POS, according to Yusimí González, another of the shop assistants. She explains that if the connection was stable and fast, it would be a blessing, there are days when no card passes.

Orestes Cruz Rodríguez, a resident with subsidized materials, acknowledges that he has been lucky every time he comes, but the conditions have not been created to guarantee the optimal functioning of this payment method.

A clear example of how such a measure influences sales is that at the end of December the sale in cash was authorized and in a single day they collected more than 50 thousand pesos.

Let's say that the card had the best of intentions, thinking of more effective control to avoid hoarding, but the inconveniences that it would have in places like Jobabo were not taken into account.

Not only would it be necessary to change the POS and improve the data connection, but to establish alternative routes such as Transfermóvil or any affordable electronic payment gateway. In addition, it would be very prudent to combine them with the traditional cash transaction, at least for non-expensive products.