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The Cuban Football Association will receive one million dollars for the development of this sport and another half-million whose destiny should be exclusively for the female sex, as part of a universal solidarity fund created by FIFA in response to the crisis generated by the COVID-19 and that amounts to 1,500 million dollars.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The FIFA Council, meeting Thursday by telematic means, unanimously approved the support plan against the aftermath of COVID-19, designed in close collaboration with the representatives of the regional confederations. According to the website of the governing body of world football, throughout the three phases of this aid plan, 1.5 billion dollars will be invested to help the international football community.

In addition, member federations will be able to request interest-free loans of up to 35 percent of their annual audited income, with a minimum figure of USD 500,000 and a maximum of five million.

To control the correct use of this financing, a governance model is envisaged that exercises "strict control over the use of funds, in addition to auditing requirements and clear conditions for the repayment of loans." A steering committee will also be created to oversee the implementation of these governance mechanisms.

The issue is especially sensitive in Cuba, where the millionaire figures that FIFA usually contributes are not immediately reflected in the quality of national tournaments. The poor quality of the courts, the lack of resources of all kinds and the little seriousness in planning, managing and executing domestic schedule, keep the authorities of the most universal of sports at the center of the debates of the press and the local followers.

"It is a great benefit for development, especially in countries with fewer resources," Oliet Rodríguez Méndez, national soccer commissioner, told JIT Digital.
"Cuba, in particular, will be allowed to reinforce the women’s modality, a priority of FIFA, and also the men’s national championship, the work in the base and the attention in the other leagues, all for further development," he added.

Very interesting is the scenario that could open for Cuban women's football, whose national tournaments of all categories lack the necessary regularity to enhance their takeoff.

FIFA’s measures come precisely in the midst of the controversy aroused among the Cuban fans, after the soccer authorities in the country decided to declare the National League in its Closing stage concluded, without a champion.