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 Fritz Alphonse will inherit a country in chaos caused by gangs.

The head of Haiti's Presidential Transitional Council, Leslie Voltaire, hands over his post today to Fritz Alphonse, who will inherit a country in chaos caused by gangs.

Port-au-Prince.- During his tenure, Voltaire waged a questionable fight against corruption within the CPT, after three members of this political body were accused of blackmailing a bank manager.

In the end, those implicated in the scandal were never held accountable for the crime, an event that undermined the credibility of his administration and governance.

Voltaire found it impossible to control the gangs, which owned 80 percent of Port-au-Prince and its surrounding areas upon his arrival, and today are in control of 85 percent of the capital.

He could not even free any road during his mandate, leaving his promise without effect. In the opinion of the Haiti Press Network digital site, his administration was a waste.

Added to his record are: the loss of control of several strategic districts, among them Solino, Kenscoff, Lalue, and Nazon, and massacres such as those that occurred in Artibonite, Warf Jérémie, Tabarre, and Kenscoff.

The Fanmi Lavalas party, to which Voltaire belongs, described his administration as a total failure. (PL)