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One of the world's rarest and smallest chameleonsOne of the world's rarest and smallest chameleons, a creature feared extinct, has been found clinging to life in the rainforests of Africa.

Pretoria.- Now, scientists are calling for an urgent conservation effort to save the critically endangered species before it's too late.

According to a team from the South African National Biodiversity Institute and the Museums of Malawi said it is necessary to join efforts to protect and preserve the population of Chapman's pygmy chameleon (Rhampholeon chapmanorum).

This species grows to be just 2 inches (5.5 centimeters) long, and was first described in 1992, but went years without being spotted again. Much of its native habitat, the forest in the Malawi Hills, has been cut down for crop growth, and conservationists have worried the species might not have survived the deforestation. (PL)