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The workers of Las Tunas Gas Plant guarantee the supply of medicinal oxygen and other gasses

With the delivery until April of more than 37 thousand cylinders of medicinal oxygen, the workers of Las Tunas gas plant guarantee this line to the health units of the province, in a scenario in which it becomes more valid due to the presence of the COVID-19 in the territory.

Ariel Durand Durand, director of the entity belonging to the Holguín Industrial Gas Company, said that they are able to meet the demand of that sector. Besides, they produced 58,550 cubic meters of the product in the last month.

This figure, he explained, means obtaining, just in April, eight thousand 610 units of medical oxygen, whose supply to the healthcare facilities is a priority for the workers of the Gasification Company, who also ensure the availability of 250 cylinders for exceptional cases, depending on the needs of the country.

In addition, they sell to the Public Health sector medicinal carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide - used as an anesthetic in surgical rooms - for which this they have sufficient supply.

Durand Durand affirmed that towards that sector they directed the production and sale of more than 58 thousand liters of bleach, an essential disinfectant in the current scenario, which they also distributed in commercial establishments.

In turn, due to the epidemiological situation in the municipality of Banes, Holguín, the group delivered 100 cylinders of medicinal oxygen to that territory; a contribution that also benefited the Guillermo Domínguez hospital in Puerto Padre, where they are preparing for caring positive cases for COVID-19 in the province, which have been treated so far in the City of Parks.

In the same way, the director reported that other centers, such as the Bartle, "Amancio" and Puerto Padre polyclinics, received 10 cylinders each of that vital gas to support patients with acute respiratory infections.

He meant that 40,000 cubic meters of liquid oxygen are in the Gas Center in the central workshop and in the existing one at the Ernesto Guevara hospital, a volume that guarantees supplies for subsequent gasification, packaging and distribution to Health facilities, for use in the mechanized breathing.

He explained that they produce industrial oxygen for the Sugar, Iron and Alimentary industries, while they extend the sale of acetylene, nitrogen, argon, and other gases to various companies.

With a payroll of 26 workers, 11 of them proposed to receive the Labor Achievement Medal, the entity reaffirms its commitment, in the context of a pandemic that demands the effort of its staff.