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The Ministry of Public Health has asked to reach 70 percent of the patients in each health area dailyAt the close of Wednesday, 452,338 people surveyed in the day were registered in the province, 88.1 percent of the total population of the territory, which amounts to 539,885 inhabitants.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- This is due to the need to intensify the search for possible suspected cases of COVID-19 when the country has entered the stage of limited indigenous transmission.

The figures that Las Tunas is now reaching are well above what is required by the authorities of the Ministry of Public Health to reach 70 percent of the patients in each health area daily, an indication that only 95 percent were achieved.

Oslayne Somoza González, a specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine and official of the Provincial Department of Primary Health Care, told 26Digital that of the total of visited inhabitants, 533 had acute respiratory infections, which were treated and knew the behavior they should follow. She also pointed out that 87, 427 elderly people over 60 years of age were visited; of who 11,012 live alone and none are reported with respiratory symptoms.

Somoza González reminded the population of the importance of the investigations carried out by the Health personnel house by house. She also emphasizes that, at the first symptom, they must go to his medical office, in order to avoid the spread of the virus among their family members and the community.

COVID-19 in Las Tunas

On Tuesday, at the meeting that the President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez heads every afternoon, to follow up on the control of the new coronavirus on the Island, the president again called on the mass organizations “to continue raising the level participation in the community, because their contribution is vital in the search for elderly people who live alone, in solidarity between neighbors, in supporting the work of medical offices and researchers, and in all activities that at a social level we can facilitate their development with the greatest order and discipline."

The President of the Republic referred to the need for all people to be frank in the investigations. “Life is telling us that when someone hides information about their health, we can regret other lives that are put at risk. Hiding useful information in current circumstances can be lethal, therefore it is a responsibility that we all must assume,” he added.