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"Colombia" gets the spotlight due to the increase in COVID-19 positives

The municipality of Colombia, with the only two COVID-19 transmission events in Las Tunas, and the highest incidence rate in the last 15 days, has broken its health stability to become, like the provincial capital, in the center of attention of the health personnel and the highest authorities here.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Dr. Katiana González Aguilera, director of Health in that demarcation, explained that the event in the Santa Lucía community accumulates 56 positives. "Of the 775 residents, 542 contacts were identified, and all of them were studied and quarantined." At the same time, the "Cepero Bonilla" is reported with 33 confirmed; an event which should close in the next few days.

More than 86 percent of the registered positives are generated by the suspects, so most of them have symptoms. So far in July, there are already 64, and June exceeded 120 cases. "Today, contacts of positives, contacts of suspects, and contacts of other contacts are hospitalized," she said. 

Despite the complex situation, González Aguilera refers that, in the coming days, there should be a reduction of the infections and transmission, in correspondence with the application of measures to control the pandemic, with a priority for those that pursue to restrict the mobility of people.

In recent days, suspect cases have also decreased, and they have the qualified personnel and the essential resources to face this situation. "We have the Polytechnic Institute enabled as a low complexity attention center, with 100 beds; and we are ready to open the hospital for the care of positive cases with equal capacity," she emphasized.

During a tour of that town, Manuel Pérez Gallego, the first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) in the province, called for measures to be further strengthened, mainly the inquiries in the communities to timely detect sick people; thus he urged to incorporate to this task those workers whose workplaces are closed due to the pandemic.

He insisted on the need to isolate people to cut the spread; for which, he said, the idea of increasing the beds and thus entering the largest number of contacts has not been discarded. Likewise, he stressed that it is necessary to avoid leaving the municipality and people in the streets without justified reasons, besides looking for alternatives to organize the queues, as was achieved in the first stage.