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Anti-COVID-19 mass vaccination

Roberto Jiménez Peña arrived very early at the medical office to the health area of the Guillermo Tejas polyclinic. He brought with him many certainties and an unshakable trust in "Abdala", our vaccine, that of all Cubans. On the one hand, his wife Yolanda Labrada Rivero; on the other, his daughter Yoliannis Jiménez Labrada complemented his happiness.

Roberto Jiménez PeñaLas Tunas, Cuba.- He was the first to receive the saving injection. “Being vaccinated represents a lot to me. I am grateful, and I trust in the Revolution that has allowed me to be part of this history,” this man of little more than five decades of age says, visibly moved.

Yoliannis Jiménez Labrada Close to him, Yoliannis listens attentively to her father while she waits for the established time after the vaccination to return home. “I am 22 years old, and I am very proud to carry this vaccine on my shoulder, which sums up the effort and dedication of our scientists. Furthermore, I thank God for giving them wisdom and making this dream come true.”

Right at the entrance to the office, others also wait with the due physical distancing. Yolanda occupies one of those positions, far from her relatives because she could not receive the dose at the moment she was due. "I'm very excited, so much so that my pressure increased," she blurts out and everyone laughs.Yolanda Labrada Rivero

Even so, she does not regret having been one of the first to attend the meeting with “Abdala,” as she experienced the joy of many of her neighbors, and she recognizes the organization of the entire process, thanks to the work of the representatives of the mass organizations and the health personnel. Fortunately, her blood tension was stabilized and the immunogen was administered. "Yes, yes, I'm already vaccinated," she insists, and again she lets out a smile that not even the facemask manages to overshadow.

After spending an hour under medical surveillance, Roberto and his daughter were seen leaving the place; Yolanda did it a little later. Although they have yet to complete the vaccination schedule, this family embraced immense happiness and promised to take care of themselves much more, in honor of the makers of “Abdala” and the many men and women who do not falter in the face of COVID-19.