Hits: 2023

Most of the antigen tests have been carried out in places that today show the worst epidemiological scenario.

The actions to confront the pandemic, together with the mass vaccination campaign, already show a positive impact in the city of Las Tunas, with a considerable decrease in the incidence rate in the last 15 days.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- However, the rest of the municipalities maintain an increasing trend in those confirmed with COVID-19, mainly in Puerto Padre, Manatí, and "Amancio." Dr. Gregory Pérez Héctor, Deputy Director of Health, explained that, in these areas, there is also an increase in morbidity and mortality. "In the last 10 days we have had in s more than 274 people in serious and critical condition in our intensive care units (ICUs), and we reported several deaths.”

The forecasts, he said, indicate the possible increase in cases in the municipalities. So that the measures are reinforced with an emphasis on inquiries, both those specialized by doctors and nurses, and those made by members of Community Work Groups, mass organizations, and agencies.

“We have to continue this work, especially in the most complex municipalities, to achieve the early detection of patients with suggestive symptoms of COVID-19, and their timely isolation and treatment. It has been proven that if the person is identified immediately and receives adequate care, the clinical evolution is much more favorable.

"I dare to say that more than 90 percent of patients who reach serious and critical condition came late to the Health System, and the response is not as effective as that of those who started therapy in the first days of the disease.”

Based on the experience in the provincial capital, consultations to assist residents with respiratory manifestations are enabled not only in polyclinics but also in work centers in other territories. They have spaces for taking the antigen test, and some even have beds for the observation of the highest-risk patients.

“More than 90 percent of the contagion has been within the home, which shows that we have not been able to ensure effective distancing measures, and several members of the family fall ill. Therefore, almost all cases must be assisted in isolation centers to cut the transmission. We have the capacities in these facilities, attending to the most favorable situation in the provincial capital that allows the transfer of patients from the south municipalities, Puerto Padre, and 'Jesús Menéndez'.”

Most of the antigen tests have been carried out in places that today show the worst epidemiological scenario. Regarding positivity, Manatí tops the list, with more than 30 percent, and Puerto Padre, “Menéndez," and "Amancio” have similar situations. According to the protocols, PCR and SUMA tests are also performed.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, Las Tunas has already accumulated 31,967 cases (98.7 percent autochthonous) and 238 deaths, for a fatality rate of 0.7. Currently, 1,141 patients are active; 961 are admitted to isolation centers and hospitals, and the others, in their homes.