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Women know exactly how to be useful

Dalia Reyes is one of the "Marianas" who today dignifies history. She knows exactly how to be useful and she is born with the will to do well, even if it implies personal sacrifices. Furthermore, she has enough love to reinvent herself every morning in her trench: the Ernesto Guevara Hospital, from where she challenges the COVID-19.

Dalia ReyesLas Tunas, Cuba.- "My son has mental disorders, but I have taught him housework, while I carry out this glorious task. We try to do our bit and give our best to put an end to this disease that has claimed so many lives," says this brave woman from Las Tunas, who is in charge of the general services area at the hospital.

She speaks in the plural because this fight has demanded the effort and dedication of many, from different positions, and women have been the protagonists. Dr. Aniuska León Rodríguez has not been left behind and also knows what it means to leave the little ones at home in the care of other family members.

Dr. AniuskaHowever, the young doctor feels pride and infinite satisfaction at being able to help her patients..., to save lives. "I took my step forward and there in the red zone I am on call 24 hours and rest 72. Sometimes we have had to be here for up to 48 hours at a time," she says.

The performance of the "Guevara" workers during the health contingency, caused by the COVID-19, was recently recognized by the Secretariat of the Federation of Cuban Women in the province.

"For me, it is a commitment to the sector and, above all, to our invincible Commander in Chief, who called us the army of white coats," says Ana Julia Rodríguez, head of the Hospital's outpatient clinic and one of those honored for her work.Ana Julia Rodríguez

Martha Ávila Mora, who has a degree in Microbiology, also expresses her joy and reaffirms her decision to continue in this struggle together with the people. "It is a unique experience and the work has been hard, but I Martha Ávilahave had the support of my family. Our collective is very good, and my commitment is to continue in this battle; you can count on me at all times."

Through the corridors of the "Guevara," you can see them walking fast, carrying dreams, hopes, and many certainties. Many of them are found in the area of greatest risk, and there they impregnate affection and strength, support, offer the precise word... There they will continue, immense and courageous as their precursors.