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May 9: Victory Day against German fascism

The president of Cuba's Casa de las Americas, Abel Prieto, criticized the misrepresentations launched by the West about the triumph of the Soviet Union over the German Nazi Army in World War II (1939-1945).

Havana, Cuba.- Hollywood and the whole machinery of cultural domination have made many people in the world believe that the United States was the victor over fascism in World War II, the Cuban writer wrote in his Twitter account.

The essayist and political analyst also considered such a statement “a shameful distortion of history,” on the occasion of the commemoration this May 9 of Victory Day, the date on which the troops of Nazi Germany capitulated to the Soviet troops.

On anniversaries such as today’s and more than one occasion, Russian President Vladimir Putin called for the protection of national memory in the face of attempts to falsify the history of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

In addition to Russia, Victory Day is commemorated by most of the former Soviet republics, also protagonists and victims in the confrontation with fascism.

During the war, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) suffered losses of more than 27 million people, the destruction of over 1,710 cities, 70,000 villages, and towns, as well as incalculable damage to industry and agriculture.

The Soviet soldiers not only defended their country but also liberated Europe from the fascist invasion and reached Berlin, making the enemy lay down their arms and sign the act of unconditional surrender on May 9, 1945. (PL)