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Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba

Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba

As part of the close and fluid relations with the Vatican, the Government of Cuba has remained in touch with Pope Francis and his representatives and, as has occurred in the past, has kept His Holiness informed about the processes of review of the convictions and the release on imprisoned persons, a practice that is common in our judicial system and has characterized the humanitarian record of the Revolution.

As an expression of that practice and under the national legislation, more than 10 thousand persons serving imprisonment sentences were released between 2023 and 2024 with different kinds of benefits as established by the law.

In June, 2023, President Miguel Díaz-Canel paid a visit to the Vatican and met with the Supreme Pontiff. This visit was preceded by a meeting held by Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs, with Pope Francis. In those meetings, in which there were discussions about issues of mutual concern and others related to the international agenda, some information was provided on these matters, with emphasis on the unjust nature and nefarious effect of the US-Cuba policy. His Holiness has given unequivocal proof of his empathy and love for the Cuban people.

During the early days of January, President Díaz-Canel addressed a letter to the Supreme Pontiff in which, in the spirit of the Ordinary Jubilee of the year 2025 declared by His Holiness, which has just begun, he informed Pope Francis of the decision to concede to the release of 553 persons who had been convicted, following the due process, for several crimes that are punishable by law. Deliberations are in progress based on a thorough analysis, taking into account the different modalities established by law and as part of the just and humanitarian nature of the Cuban penal and penitentiary systems. These persons will gradually receive their respective benefits.

We maintain a respectful, honest, and constructive relationship with the Vatican and the Supreme Pontiff, which facilitates the adoption of decisions such as the one that has been recently adopted, under the requirements established by the legislation in force; the humanitarian nature of the Cuban justice system and in compliance with obligations in terms of internal order and public safety.

Havana, January 14, 2025