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Havana International Book Fair 2023

Different titles that have seen the light by the Sanlope publishing house will represent the province at the Havana International Book Fair, which takes place between February 9 and 19.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Maike Machado Vázquez, director of the Provincial Center for Books and Literature, told 26: “The texts that traveled to the capital are Como un rey ausente (Like an absent king), by Marina Lourdes Jacobo; Amagos diurnos (Daytime threats), Cucalambé Award 2019, by Randol Machado; Los hijos del insomnio (The children of insomnia), by Yeinier Aguilera; El diablo está en los detalles (The devil is in the details), Portus Patris Award 2019, by Leoneski Buquet; En una maleta el mundo (The world in a suitcase), El Principito Award 2020, by Erasmo de los Ángeles Rondón; and an anthology of current Argentine poetry, the fruit of a collaboration between a publishing house from the land of tango and ours, as part of a cultural exchange to promote the literary development of the province.

The director also commented that writers Argel Fernández Granado, Carlos Esquivel, and Yeinier Aguilera will be in charge of presenting these volumes. According to the program published on the Claustrofobias site, these appointments will take place on February 16, in the José Portuondo Hall of the Palacio del Segundo Cabo (Second Corporal's Palace).

Likewise, one of the moments of great relevance for the people of Las Tunas will be delivery to Carlos Esquivel of the Nicolás Guillén Poetry Prize, also on February 16, at the San Gerónimo University College, in Havana. His collection of poems La Guagua de Babel (Babel’s Bus) was the winner in that contest, the most important of this genre in Cuba.

The Havana International Book Fair that defends, on this occasion, the theme of "inclusive reading,” has Colombia as the guest of honor country. It is dedicated to the bibliographer and researcher Aracely García Carranza, and the National Literature Award winner Julio Travieso Serrano, besides paying tribute to the centenarians of Fina García Marruz and Antonio Núñez Jiménez.

Its provincial chapter will take place from March 16 to 19 and, as usual, will have the surroundings of Maceo Park as its main seat and several locations as extensions.