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Young creators met in Las Tunas ahead the 4th AHS Congress

The Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS), which will hold its 4th Congress next October, debated here Thursday and Friday about its achievements and challenges, with the presence of Yasel Toledo Garnache, national vice president of the organization, and authorities of Culture in the province and young artists of different manifestations.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The creators, gathered the day before in the afternoon, reaffirmed in the debate their immense desire to do, despite the material shortages they face in some areas, which hinder the processes, as in the case of plastic arts and audiovisual production.

Special interest was aroused by the interventions related to publishing production, especially that made visible through digital platforms, because -according to the intervention of multi-awarded writers in different contests- it does not have the expected result, losing the basic objective of the book to make people fall in love with reading, besides the dream of every writer that the work reaches its recipients.

In this sense, Yasel Toledo pointed out: "we must be able, at the country level, to create attractive texts and platforms, promote audiobooks, and that our publishers publish digital titles."

Young creators met in Las Tunas ahead the 4th AHS CongressOn the Performing Arts side, the need to bet on new projects that involve these inspirational artists was stressed, in addition to rescuing the existing ones with concrete actions. Beyond that section, the theatrical artists pointed out how wise it would be to advise the young people who attend the activities, give workshops and better disseminate the work of the associates, starting from the institution itself, to reach the province and other territories.

Garnache emphasized the importance of strengthening the work and relations with universities, to carry out activities and make the artists known. "This country has a lot of talent. Our youth must know us, know how the association works; that is a guarantee for growth, but it is not growth for growth's sake, but to ensure that our members are active," he said.

Likewise, the leader recognized the potential of the Balcón de Oriente for there to be a crusade, as it happens in other provinces, whether it is literature, performing arts, or other modalities. Following the same thread, Ana Margarita Arada Clavería, current director of the AHS in these premises, reaffirmed that, although activities have been developed occasionally, the guild should get closer to the communities and exchange with people from intricate areas.

In this sense, they agreed on the importance of consolidating alliances with other institutions, even beyond the cultural sector, to solve viable problems in the face of certain limitations, such as the transportation needed to carry out performances in places far from the city. In this section, the example of the Entre Música Festival (Between Music) was mentioned, together with the dream of extending it -one day soon- to other municipalities in Las Tunas.

The assembly culminated with an exhortation to overcome the internal asperities, strengthen communication, organize better, and never lose the enthusiasm that characterizes the vanguard of young art, joy demonstrated during the exchange with the institutional cell of Puerto Padre, which took place last Thursday.

During his visit to Las Tunas, the national vice president also presented the book Tiempo Joven (Young Time), by the unforgettable journalist José Luis Estrada Betancourt, a text that includes interviews with outstanding young creators of the country, such as singer Ana Irma Pérez Perelló, former president of the AHS in this eastern province.

The Hojas Sueltas Meeting, an exhibition of Body Heat, and La Musaraña artistic-literary show completed the agenda of these two days of introspection and learning.