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Virtual tour to the Mártires de Barbados Memorial Museum.

As part of the activities in Las Tunas to remember the horrendous crime of October 6, 1976, an interactive computer product was presented at the Mártires de Barbados Memorial Museum, which allows a journey through the different rooms of the institution and its pieces.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The tour, fruit of the work of the Santiago headquarters of the Computer Science and Audiovisual Media Company (CINESOFT) -that belongs to the Ministry of Education-, was in process since August. In a record time, they already showed in this city its mobile version.

Nivia González, head of Production of the entity, recalled that they carried out something similar in the José Martí Plaza, and they are working on the projects of the Provincial Museum, the Revolution Plaza, and the birthplace of Major General Vicente García.

"Next year, the distribution of the product that allows visiting this Memorial will begin in all schools in the country, for the students can retrace it from anywhere in Cuba.

"For now, we leave the mobile version here, so that those who come to the place can take it with them."