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Juan Morales Agüero

The decision to present the established Las Tunas journalist Juan Evangelio Morales Agüero with the Rosano Zamora Paadín Provincial Journalism Award for the Work of Life, this year, just when he turns 45 full calendars dedicated to the exercise of this exciting and misunderstood profession was, without a doubt, the great event of the opening of the celebration for the Press Day in Las Tunas.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- But not the only one. The Ricardo Varela Awards for the Work of the Year were also announced. Yelenys Fernández García (television), Yuset Puig Pupo (written press); Reynaldo López Peña (graphics); Rosa María Ramírez Reyes (radio), and Yaidel Miguel Rodríguez Castro (hypermedia) were the winners. In the last two categories, Ada Cristina Higueras Tur, and István Ojeda Bello received mention, respectively.

The jury, chaired by the Master of Science Zucel de la Peña Mora, congratulated all the participants and thanked the guild for the daily effort throughout the province.

Ricardo Varela Awards for the Work of the Year.

The activities of this event began with the memorial to the deceased journalists and the minute of silence before their graves in the local cemetery. A moment in which crying prevailed, above all, before the niches of colleagues Iran Sánchez Cajides and Graciela Guerrero Garay, who died recently, when they still had a lot to give to the profession.

The Public Press, People's Press Colloquium was held at the Press House, in which specific work experiences and valuable research were presented, and where the present and future of the association in these lands were topics for debate. In that space, 26 Newspaper shared details of its new management model.

The activities will continue until March 14, when the awards will be officially delivered and we will celebrate Cuban Press Day, which remembers the date on which the first issue of the Patria newspaper, founded by José Martí, was published.