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Children's Drawing Exhibition

Given the epidemiological situation that the world is experiencing, children have a different way of distinguishing the present.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The socio-cultural project Perspectiva, which is based in the Office of the Historian of the city of Las Tunas, launched in December the call for a drawing contest aimed at Primary Education. The resulting sample is exhibited in that institution to the delight of the public.

José Ángel Naranjo, painter and curator, and promoter of the initiative longed to explore the vision of children and their creativity. "All works are based on COVID-19. It is ingenious how they interpret the situation and express their desire to take care of the world to save us from this disease,” he said.

In total, 15 schools participated, with 130 works, from which the jury, made up of different Las Tunas painters, selected 40 drawings. In the contest, nine mentions and a prize were awarded, which was obtained by Samuel David Lorenzo Núñez, a sixth-grade student from the República de Chile semi-boarding school.

Children's Drawing Exhibition

The paintings show the concern of infants as a result of the pandemic. The ways of assimilating school interruption, confinement and the different emotional processes that change generates are among the reflected topics. All the primary schools that participated, the students, their teachers and librarians were recognized for the demonstrated quality.

“I was struck by the ingenuity of children in representing the danger of the coronavirus. If you draw a puppy, that puppy wears a face mask; that is, they are aware of the situation and the necessary prevention; they show that they have a sense of the historical moment," Víctor Marrero, Historian of the City, said.

“Before drawing, I stopped to think about the health of the world. Many people have unfortunately died, which made me sad. I also imagined everyone happy, overcoming the pandemic and I knew that everything is in our hands. I am a grateful child because our Government has not left us alone. I hope that Cuba will beat the COVID-19, ’’ said Samuel, the awarded child.

‘’My classroom mates and I choose to be disciplined at this delicate stage. We always use our facemasks correctly,'' the novel talent added.

Holding varied exhibitions is one of the goals of the Perspectiva project, whose main objective is to disseminate culture, not only in galleries, but also in rural communities. “My heart rejoices as I share our works with people; I can see that it motivates them. It is very nice to look at their faces when they see that their life is reflected in the paintings,'' Naranjo, who works with miniature art in the eastern region, said.

Children's Drawing Exhibition

Samuel David Lorenzo Núñez, a sixth-grade student from the República de Chile semi-boarding school, winner