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Piece by Michel Jhonson, a visual artist of the Ballet

The career of the visual artist of ballet Michel Johnson continues to spiral, the most recent proof is his insertion as a member of the International Dance Council (CID, by its acronym in French).

Las Tunas, Cuba.- With the simplicity that characterizes him when talking to those of us who follow his steps from the small homeland, the creator told details to 26 via the Internet.

"Many people congratulate me, but they don't know for sure what it's all about, they only know it's something good. I ask them to imagine that they are soccer fans and FIFA, the highest authority in this field, makes them part of the organization. It's the best, isn't it? Well, this would be the same thing, but concerning dance.

"If you take into account that the members are rigorously chosen by countries, and among them, there are teachers, dancers, schools, visual artists, all with a consecration of years in the dance work, then the pride is greater".

He explained that nominations are not made for a specific fact, but for the effort and dedication to art for a long time; hence his conviction that he lives for him, and the determination to assume the event as "those magical things that always happen".

From now on, along with his many dreams of work, Michel will add new responsibilities, in constant union with the organization and its members around the world.

He will participate in conferences, will join in the tasks of research and dissemination of this art, and will even nominate others to join those ranks, "of course, who stand out for their consecration, just as they did with me."

The CID is a worldwide non-governmental, non-profit organization founded in 1973 at Unesco's headquarters in Paris. Its members are the most prominent federations, associations, schools, companies, and individuals in some 170 countries.

Among them, now, is Michel Johnson. A young man born in the municipality of Manatí, who carries dance in his soul and gives it back to everyone, made art of great value.