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The "Luis Urquiza," a flagship of pre-university education in Las Tunas

Humanity has been scientific since its beginnings; it is in our DNA. In the struggle for survival and understanding the world, curiosity has always been at the center. All of this is present in those who approach science intending to use it to decode the universe and move forward with their dreams.

Physics contestant José Alejandro Romero GilLas Tunas, Cuba.- For reasons like this, José Alejandro Romero Gil, bronze medalist in the recent 28th Ibero-American Physics Olympiad, says that for him, being a physics competitor is not a question of obligations to study, "but of entertainment, although it necessarily involves a lot of studies". We have come to this young man on other occasions, since he began his studies at the Luis Urquiza Jorge Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences (IPVCE) has excelled in national competitions in the subject and, for some time now, he has been a member of the national pre-selection team.

"Now I can choose the career that interests me, without having to take the entrance exams, but I still haven't decided whether I will study Telecommunications, Bachelor in Physics or Computer Science," the youngster told the local television station about the recent award.

His classmate Adrián Arsenio Garcés Jiménez, a contestant since childhood and also an honorable mention at the “Ibero-American,” affirms that "it's a very big achievement."

Physics contentant Adrián Arsenio Garcés Jiménez.Fidel Labañino Labañino, coach of the national pre-selection team, agrees, highlighting the efforts of his pupils, who "have overcome difficulties in an adverse economic scenario". They both pay tribute to the pre-university teaching staff and the families without whom it would have been impossible to achieve such results.

Orestes Landrove Ramírez, director of the Provincial Training Center and one of the depositaries of the merits accumulated over the years by the "Luis Urquiza", flagship of pre-university education in Las Tunas, is certain of how much tenacity there is behind each result.

"We have recently had five participants in international events, two of whom won bronze, one of them in the Ibero-American Physics and the other in Computer Science, as happened with the Honorable Mentions in the same competitions," says the pedagogue and trainer of competitors, who has vast experience in this field of knowledge.

In October, a Cuban delegation will attend the Central American Physics Competition in Honduras, an occasion to ratify the quality of the country's coaches and competitors, and also to place at the top those who know the driving force of their lives and the common good.