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The 2022-2023 school year began only in Las Tunas

Las Tunas woke up with expected meetings and new hopes, with the attendance of more than 83 thousand students from the different teachings; a joy that mobilizes the whole family as this is the only province in the country that started the 2022-2023 school year today.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Uniforms premieres, scarves, backpacks, smiles - mostly still behind the sanitary masks -, and a lot of emotions come together in infants, adolescents, and young people who returned this Monday to that second home, the school.

The province of Las Tunas managed to close the previous teaching calendar thanks to the control of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepared more than 600 educational centers to receive families with joy and organization in this new chapter of pencils and notebooks.

Concerning the previous period, the increase of around 700 enrolled students and the increase in the preschool grade, in primary education, are significant issues, according to statements by Nílser Piñeda Cruz, the provincial director of Education.

The territory has a teaching coverage of around 99 percent, as a guarantee to successfully develop the curricular activities in each one of the schools, which carried out their preparatory seminars with the guidance of the Ministry of Education.

Once again, the morning hustle and bustle has begun, calling on the whole family to organize themselves according to the youngest members of the household; the days of the beach, games, and waking up between cartoons are gone.

The brushstrokes of a special Monday in Las Tunas flood social networks, and proud families show off the images of their children, who today began a new stage of their lives. (ACN)