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New project will benefit cancer patients in Las Tunas

A new project for the treatment of cancer in the province of Las Tunas will be launched by the Doctor Ernesto Guevara de la Serna General Teaching Hospital this year, with the financing of Hamed Kali, a friend of Cuba from the Sultanate of Oman, a country in the Middle East.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Dr. Juan Ernesto Pérez Reyes, a second-degree specialist in Oncology and head of this initiative, explained to 26 that the purpose is to increase the quality of care for patients and their caregivers; as well as the comfort of rooms and consultations, besides facilitating the working conditions of the staff of the service.

Through the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples, Kali learned about this noble project that will help improve the coverage and sustainability of care, research, and management activities linked to this branch in the largest health institution in the territory.

Dr. Gretel Rodríguez González, a specialist who deals with donations and projects in the Provincial Health Directorate, gave him a letter of thanks for such a supportive gesture, which constitutes an important injection into the Health System in Las Tunas.

From 2009 to 2019, malignant diseases were the first cause of death here, Pérez Reyes stated when presenting the project, and also explained that, currently, more than five thousand people live with this condition; hence the need to improve the quality of services.

New project will benefit cancer patients in Las Tunas