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Anti-COVID-19 booster vaccination continues

The province of Las Tunas today records more than 20 million administered doses of the national anti-COVID-19 vaccines, said Yahilín Nápoles Novella, responsible for the vaccination program at the Provincial Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology, and Microbiology (CPHEM, by its Spanish acronym).

Las Tunas, Cuba.- In this regard, she indicated that the process advances with the second booster dose applied to more than 82 percent of the inhabitants that meet the requirements to receive the immunogen; while around 95 percent of the total population has the complete scheme and its first booster.

The specialist in Hygiene and Epidemiology pointed out that the work focuses on the health areas, to identify those who still do not have their second booster dose, with the support of the doctor and the nurse of the family, along with other community factors.

Since May 2021 -she expressed- they are immersed in the anti-COVID-19 vaccination; and in the current period, besides, the infant population that reaches two years of age is monitored to receive their vaccination scheme against SARS-Cov-2.

Nápoles Novella said that Las Tunas fulfills the national vaccination campaigns for children under 12 months; the anti-flu, in older adults and infants under five years; as well as school, anti-polio, and risk groups at the immune level.

The Public Health System performs immunization campaigns since 1962 aimed at transforming the morbidity and mortality of absolutely preventable conditions.