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Mártires de Las Tunas Pediatric Hospital

The Mártires de las Tunas Pediatric Hospital will have two new medical services. 

Las Tunas, Cuba- The Maxillofacial Surgery area will begin minor surgical interventions, a demand from the institution for many years, which has been covered in other health centers. Around half of the 60 patients who are attended monthly in this practice require minor surgery.

Good news also comes from the Audiology consultation. The Audix 5 equipment, of national production, will allow deeper diagnoses in children with hearing loss.

Workers of this care area say that, previously, for such types of exams, they had to transfer the infants and their families to the neighboring provinces of Holguín or Granma.

“We had these debts for a long time. For example, the Maxillofacial service was displaced for the 3 de Octubre Stomatology Clinic and we had the premises here, in the external consultation. We undertook the revitalizing of that room, which has everything necessary, now,” Dr. María Cristina Cisneros, the director of the hospital, says.

She added that the Audiology service benefits from physiological tests. “It was also a concern for the conditions required by the equipment, such as physical ground and other specific issues of the building, adapted for that purpose. The staff is trained to assume, with excellence, patient attention.”

About thirty specialties for assistance to patients of pediatric ages work in the "Mártires de Las Tunas," where the staff takes them in to heal their ailments.