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The Cubataxi agency is responsible for transporting patients on hemodialysis.

The transportation of hemodialysis patients is a service of great humanism and sensitivity. The Cubataxi agency is responsible for transporting the 102 people who currently need this service in Las Tunas.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- People from all over the province come to the Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna General Teaching Hospital to receive this medical treatment. Some, every week; others, every three days -depending on the severity of their illness.

Reynaldo Reyes Silva, delegate of the Transport Company, explained that this social mission is carried out with great precision, as the agency drivers take on this task with great responsibility, a commitment of love and devotion.

"Empathy is created between the family members, the patient, and the driver. We consider this mission to be one of our best in the province."

"The director also pointed out that, unfortunately, the number of patients requiring this treatment has increased; but the drivers of each mean of transport and the highest authorities of the territory are willing to provide fuel allocations for this high-priority service.