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The prioritized Nephrology service is one of the most complex and costly.

The acquisition of five new artificial kidneys puts the Nephrology Service of the General Teaching Hospital Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in better condition to carry out hemodialysis procedures attached to secondary health care.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- Norkis Sánchez Alonso, director of Medical Assistance and Medicines of the General Directorate of Health in Las Tunas, confirmed exclusively to the Cuban News Agency the commissioning of this new equipment for the specialized care of patients with renal diseases.

With these new artificial kidneys, greater resolution is guaranteed when attending to patients, as the waiting time to receive hemodialysis is shorter and the process in which they are coupled to this technology for the periodic blood filtration is also lower, the specialist pointed out.

The hemodialysis treatment program, with more than 60 patients in the service of the largest health institution in the province of Las Tunas, the Guevara hospital, is one of the most expensive for the public health system, and its constant use causes greater wear and tear on its equipment and material resources.

Sensibly affected by the imposition of the blockade that the United States has maintained against Cuba for more than six decades, the greatest complexity of the nephrology service lies in the fact that the person who attends it does so for prolonged periods, due to the treatment of the illness itself.

The arrival of this equipment ensures that patients will receive improved care for their quality of life. The Cuban state also supports this health service by providing free transportation for these patients to and from their homes, regardless of the complexity of the transfer.

The proper organization and planning of material and human resources at the Guevara Hospital allow secondary health care to maintain its vitality even in the most complex scenarios.