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 Dr. Ernesto Guevara hospital

Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna General Teaching Hospital arrived on June 14 to its 41st anniversary, in the midst of the confrontation with the COVID-19; which has demanded to redouble efforts in this vital healthcare scenario and, at the same time, has allowed the registration of a new page in the constant battle for life.

The largest sanitary facility in the province treasures a valuable history, the fruit of the efforts of many. In its beginnings, there were only a small number of specialties, and the staff that worked was trained in other provinces; four decades after it was founded, the reality is different, Dr. Henry López Jiménez, its current director, says.

“Today, our hospital has 3,369 workers, 872 of them are doctors, and 873, nurses. During these years, we have achieved considerable progress in the quality of medical care. High-tech equipment is also available, such as the mammogram and servers that allow the storage of radiographic images.”

Dr. Ernesto Guevara hospitalIn these decades, the Maternal and Child Program has been consolidated; no maternal deaths have been reported so far this year, and work is being done to improve the indicators related to morbidity and mortality. Another achievement is the record of zero fatality rate for diseases such as diabetes mellitus and bronchial asthma and reduces complex polytrauma and acute myocardial infarction.

López Jiménez highlighted the consolidation of the training process, which has allowed different generations of professionals to graduate, with seven accredited specialties so far. The faculty, make up of 279 professors, is highly prepared, with different teaching-research categories.

Regarding scientific development, he said, 25 research projects were carried out in 2020; some of them with national category, approved by the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment (CITMA). It also works on quality management, with the development of the metrological assurance program that guarantees the rational use of resources and the proper functioning of the equipment.

The COVID-19 imposed new challenges and the “Guevara” has had to reorganize its services to continue its mission and, at the same time, face the disease. The hospital has been prepared in the different care settings, with an emergency consultation for patients with a respiratory infection, and the isolation room for these patients.

“We are immersed in the confrontation with COVID-19, with the active participation of young people; in the Ordering Task, with all the indications derived from the 8th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party; and, of course, we continue to be committed to achieving the highest quality in the assistance processes, and improve indicators.

“It has been a difficult year due to the commitment that represents to avoid a transmission within the institution. With the effort of the workers, the application of biosecurity standards, the use of individual protection means, compliance with cleaning and disinfection, active investigations, health promotion activities, and prevention, it has been possible to control the illness.”

Given the complex epidemiological panorama that the province is experiencing, he said, the work must be sustained. "What we do in our hospital is going to help stop the pandemic here."

Besides the coronavirus, the center must overcome other obstacles imposed by the United States blockade on Cuba, especially in surgical activity. “We have had to prioritize emergency and elective surgeries, mainly, cancer and trauma. Today, our hospital has a deficit of resources and supplies, and more than 180 medicines are missing. Alternatives are sought by modifying treatment protocols, and the staff makes an extraordinary effort to provide the services.”


Dr. Ernesto Guevara hospitalErnesto Che Guevara and Antonio Maceo Grajales continue to be paradigms of altruism for the professionals of the largest health facility in this province; this was confirmed by a representation of its workers in the simple, but an emotional act that was attended by the highest authorities of the territory.

In the tribute, the Jóvenes por la Vida (Youth for Life) Distinction was awarded by the Young Communists League (UJC) to recognize the work of the new generation in confronting the COVID-19. Likewise, new UJC and  Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) members received the card that accredits them in the ranks of these political organizations.

Also, in recognition of its performance in the fight against the pandemic, the Ernesto Guevara hospital received the plaque “20th Anniversary of the Revolution Concept,” which commits its staff to raise the quality of medical care, especially now that the province shows a significant increase in positives for the new coronavirus.

With the satisfaction of so many lives saved, the "Guevara" embraces its 41st birthday; and also with many challenges to improve the provision of services, even in the midst of so much scarcity of resources and medicines. It is the sacred purpose of these brave men in white coats.

The most important health institution in Las Tunas dignifies its history and materializes, with the daily work of its workers, the ideas of Fidel Castro, the main promoter of this immense and noble work.