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Electromedicine workers

Being "24 hours a day at the service of Health" is not only their slogan, the intense days at the Provincial Center of Electromedicine, in Las Tunas, mark stressful routines in which there is no other priority than maintaining equipment, laboratories, oxygen ... everything ready.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- These technicians and professionals trained under the aegis of Health in Cuba celebrated their Day yesterday, October 3, and they did so from the sensitivity, love, and humanism impregnated in each of their tasks. During these last stages, they have had no rest and give their best to Medicine, the most humanistic of the sciences and the most scientific of the arts, as many would say. 

The vast technical-scientific ingenuity of those who work at the Provincial Center is at the service of the well-being of patients, through the maintenance and repair of medical equipment. Achieving its optimal functioning is their mission, and more so in these times, in which the pandemic has hit them hard.

Knowing useful in favor of life is their greatest joy, without a doubt. So much dedication and sacrifice to overcome the challenges are worthy of recognition and gratitude.

Electromedicine workers

Electromedicine workers

Electromedicine workers

Electromedicine workers

Electromedicine worker

Electromedicine workers