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Tobacco workers from Las Tunas have over-fulfilled their production plan

Until the end of April, the Enrique Casals Villarreal business unit had produced one million 634, 652 cigars for national consumption and, after an effort by the group, they added 578,148 cigars above the plan.

Las Tunas, Cuba.- The entity, belonging to the Las Tunas Tobacco Collection, Processing, and Twisting Company (EABTT), houses two workshops, the tobacco shop in the city center and the facility located near Becerra. In both, the will to meet the goals prevails, according to its director Arturo Camejo López.

Arturo Camejo Lopez, director of the Enrique Casals Villarreal business unit

He explained that the city factory is inserted in a local development project, approved by the government of the main municipality and amounting to six million 400 thousand pesos, with which the conditions of the infrastructure, furniture, and accessories for work will be improved.

Nancy Flores González, professor of the course for cigar rollersFor her part, Nancy Flores González, professor of the course for cigar rollers, pointed out the general quality of those who have already graduated and those who are still receiving theoretical and practical knowledge. In addition, she highlighted their contribution to meeting the different productive indicators.

According to Carlos Betancourt Almaguer, director of the EABTT, the province of Las Tunas has 1,287 tobacco workers and 221 growers, who comply with the measures put into practice to strengthen the socialist state company.

Regarding the celebration this May 29 of Tobacco Worker’s Day, he noted that the Captain of the Working Class, Lázaro Peña, is honored with new goals and commitments, despite the complexities of these times, and convinced of the importance of their work for the recovery of the national economy.

In its development program, the territory of Las Tunas plans to grow in the tobacco industry for export, increase efficiency to solve financial problems that affect economic management, consolidate the production of seedlings, and strengthen the use of organic fertilizers to obtain higher-quality leaves.

Tobacco workers from Las Tunas have over-fulfilled their production plan

Tobacco workers from Las Tunas have over-fulfilled their production plan